Resilience and Wellness Program

The COVID-19 pandemic disclosed the importance of human capital to the business world. The Great Resignation destabilizes organizations who must reflect and learn new ways to attract and keep their employees.

What does research tell us about resilience and wellness in the workplace?

  • Studies have shown that resilience can be taught, changing the work-dynamic of those who become resilient. A study conducted with 360 employees from the HealthCare Industry (primarily physicians and nurses) found positive correlations between engagement and performance, and performance and resilience. In other words, resilient employees are more satisfied, more engaged, and thus, more performant than non-resilient ones.
  • Another recent study tested a 5-week strength-based coaching program on employees in the Automotive Industry. The results found significant increases in self-awareness, self-efficacy, resilience, and hope (self-measured), work engagement, goal attainment, well-being, and performance (measured by supervisors). 
  • A Gallup report (2021) revealed that 66% of U.S. workers feel disengaged, 51% stressed (46% in 2020), and 40% worried (34% in 2020). Disengagement is one of the three main symptoms of burnout which, according to a Forbes article, rose from 43% pre-pandemic to 52% in 2021. Yet, a recent survey revealed that only 30% of employees believe their work environment is a safe place to discuss mental health problems with their managers and where psychological safety is promoted (McKinsey, 2021).

Our Resilience and Wellness 12-week program will:

  • Help your employees and executives reconnect to their strengths, values, and purpose, essential to reduce stress and symptoms of burnout while increasing well-being. 
  • Teach stress management skills, promote a healthier lifestyle, and give participants new tools to be used in their daily lives. Develop participants’ self-awareness, self-efficacy, self-confidence, and resilience. 
  • Focus on individualized communication skills, self-compassion, and compassion. Researchers have studied the benefits of self-compassion, protective against burnout, and its positive effect on resilience. Furthermore, participants will understand cognitive reappraisal and learn to shift perspectives, seeing challenges as learning opportunities. 
  • Offer weekly one-hour group coaching sessions incorporating testing, individual and group work, and references to recent peer-reviewed research. Finally, this comprehensive Resilience and Wellness program is here to create change! 


Be the change agent and help empower your employees and executives reconnect, eliminate burnout and foster resilience in the workplace.

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