Meet Your Coach

My Story: an executive, a mom, a life-long learner, a coach

In my previous life (before coaching), I was an executive for large international corporations in the Fashion Industry. I worked in Paris, France, and NYC. and traveled the world, looking for ideas and suppliers. This job needed good communication skills, creativity, and initiative. I especially enjoyed working globally with people from different cultures. I had to adapt to their ways of working and found it fascinating.

My professional life and interests changed when I had my children. As they were diagnosed with A.D.H.D., I looked for ways to help them learn differently. I read many books on neurosciences, neuroplasticity, and learning and the brain. I understood that we could learn using the different parts of our brain, create new habits by developing new neuropathways, and therefore, create lasting change. I could now see possibilities and opportunities. Learning became fun and holistic.

Years later, I remembered these learnings and used them to survive stressful times. After this chapter of my life, I was determined to learn the science behind it all.

What helped me become so resilient?

I asked myself:

Why was I resilient? What did I do right? What happened in my body and my mind? 

And mostly, how can I help others do the same?

Resilience and Wellness became my passion and my purpose.

I went back to school and earned a master’s degree and a Ph.D in Mind and Body Medicine, learning more about resilience and how it affects the mind and the body.

I also obtained the following certifications:

Health and Wellness Coaching Certification

ACC International Coaching Federation certification

Systemic Team Coaching certification from

i4 Neuroleader certification from the About My Brain Institute. 

After all this personal experience and research, I know how to help you increase your resilience and live a healthier and more purposeful life.

Let's talk, and see how we can make it work

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